Member of Prestige Organizations

Thomasson Company is proud to be certified as a Company of Women Entrepreneurs. The National Council of Women’s Businesses was created in 1997 to provide Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs) with increased opportunities to increase their market share of vendors/suppliers in both the private and government sectors.
To obtain this certification, the following criteria must be met
- 51% owned by a woman or women
- Proof of the effective management of the company, i.e. operating position, statutes, hiring and firing, and other decision-making functions.
- Control of the company, as evidenced by the role of the firm on loans, leases, and contracts
Our commitment to diversity is also practiced internally. Many of our partners and countless members of our global network of resources are independent or self-employed agencies that qualify as women-owned, minority-owned, and/or veteran-owned businesses.
We provide a range of language and business services that can support virtually every department in organizations on an international scale. Offer the highest levels of quality and customer service in the industry.
Bringing real-world experience from successful partnerships and engagements with 90% of the Fortune 500 companies and each of the Am Law 200 companies.

The American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) is a nonprofit organization that promotes voluntary standards for wood conservation. AWPA standards are developed by its technical committees in an ANSI-accredited consensus-based process involving people from all facets of wood preservation: Producers of preservatives and preservative components; producers of treated and untreated wood products; end users of treated wood; engineers, architects, and building code officials; government entities, universities and other groups with a general interest in wood conservation. The AWPA standards are universally specified for wood preservation in the United States, and are recognized throughout the world.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the United States’ system of voluntary standards and conformity assessment and enhancing its impact, both nationally and internationally.
Whether at home or abroad, ANSI is committed to improving the global competitiveness of American businesses and the quality of life by providing a framework for the development of fair standards and quality conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. Spanning virtually every industry, the Institute represents the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations, and 30 million professionals worldwide.